Monday, April 18, 2011

Believe: Caroline Casey

Everyone thinks they have limits; there is something they cannot do, but after Caroline Casey give her talk, it has changed my perspective on what I can and cannot do. She had a very remarkable story about her dream of being Mowgli from the Jungle Book or a race car driver. On her 17th birthday her parents gave her driving lesions, but that same day her dreams were crushed. She learned that day that she was and had been her whole life, legally bind. She really was able to come over her disability, and no one ever knew she could not see. She went to normal school and experienced everything like a normal child. Caroline’s way of presenting was much different than Ken Robinson’s. Ken was very humorous and wanted to get everyone interested through humor. Caroline told her story very seriously. She really got into telling her story passionately, and the way she told it, it reached out and pulled you in. She was so encouraging, and passionate. Even though she had gone through so much she still had so much belief in herself. During her talk she told personal stories, which made you feel like you lived that whole experience with her. It made it feel like you were there every time she failed, every time she got her eyes checked, and when she finally lived her dream. Caroline was so energetic, during the time she was talking I was never bored. When she talked she would paint pictures in your mind of her struggles. They tone of her voice made you feel what she felt every time someone told her no. I took a lot away from this video. It really could connect with me on a personal level because my sister was diagnosed with a disease right before she went miles away to college. Not only would this disease have stopped many from going to college, but she has overcome her disease, and never asked for help along the way. She never once complained, or said “I can’t do this”. She had determination and was not going to let the disease take her dreams away. Caroline has shown me the same thing. She has taught me to always believe in myself. Follow my dreams and never let anything get in my way. Caroline found a way around her dreams. I think this is not only apparent in life, but in education. In education, I have realized I can do whatever I want. If I want an A on my history test, I can get the A I just need to invest time and believe in myself.  I know now that I can follow my dreams; I can go to Duke and become a lawyer, all I have to do is believe in me.

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