Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bullying Can Change the World

The video I watched today was about awareness of the power of bullying. At the very beginning of the talk Joel told the story of about 4 children, and their ages. All the stories ended in suicide. In all these stories were also about teens who were bullied because of their sexual orientation. To me this seems unreal. I can’t even imagine kids being so mean, and saying such bad things that make someone else want to die. It makes me so sad that some kids feel that way, because to me, there is nothing I treasure more than life. It makes me want to help kids that are being hurt. I want to help all the kids that are struggling just because they are different. I believe that each child is amazing. No matter the color of the skin, their ethnicity, or their sexual orientation. I wish that everyone would not judge, I wish we could go back to kindergarten and be friends with whoever will color with us that day. It does not make sense to me why people have to be so mean. When I entered high school, everything changed. The biggest change was my friends. One of my best friends decided that she wanted to be “cool”. Being cool did not always mean being nice. I have become a better person from seeing what she did. I don’t care about what people think of me anymore, I care that I make a difference in others life and I care that I am nice to everyone and that I make them want to go on in life. Throughout the talk Joes was very emotional. He is gay, and experienced firsthand what the bullying was like.  Because he was so emotional it made me feel it too. In my TED talk I hope that I can make my viewers connect with me like I could connect with him. I wish that everyone could see what Joel sees. I also wish that one day we could live in a world where no one cared about how people were different. I think if we could apply that to schools, children would be much better off. Maybe they would enjoy coming to school, and enjoy being who they are. I hope that one day we can move past the titles and everyone can see that they are amazing in their own special way.

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