Sunday, May 1, 2011

Roz Savage- Live the life you want

The TED talk I watched today was very different from the others I have watched. This was about a woman, Roz Savage, who rowed across the Atlantic Ocean, and is now trying to row across the Pacific Ocean. At the beginning of the video she told us why she wanted to set out on this journey and it reminded me of something we did in class. Roz talked about how one day she sat down and wrote two obituaries for herself. One with the life she had, and one with the life she wanted. She wanted a life of adventure, and she wanted to be remembered. This made me think of the sentences we wrote that we wanted to describe our lives. It also made me wonder what our world would be like if everyone was living the life they wanted, and was living their full potential. Roz did not only want to live a better life for herself, but she wanted to make it a better world. She set out on this adventure to provide awareness about garbage in the ocean, and what it is doing to the creatures that live there. I think that humans have gotten careless and have taken over the world. I think we need to be more careful or we will ruin our environment and all the other creature’s that were here first. Roz had a very powerful story to share, the biggest thing I took away is that you can make life anything you want it to be. I have realized, being rich and having a beautiful home is not the most important thing, being happy and living the life you have dreamed is what really matters. Roz had a different presenting style. She seemed very nervous and it made it almost uncomfortable. I got a little bit bored in the middle and drifted away. I think during my TED talk I need to make it seem like I am not nervous one bit and I truly believe in my idea. If I make it seem like I am very into my talk, then others will be too. This video makes me want to follow my dreams and do whatever I have to do to get there. It makes me motivate myself to do the best I can do in everything, but it also makes me aware that I am in control of my life and it can be anything I want it to be.

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